Foreign Investment Advice

Slaney Advisors offers principal-level foreign investment advice, with a particular focus on capital-intensive industries where formulating and implementing the right strategy is critical to success. We provide this advice at all stages in the investment cycle be it identification, execution, audit, investigation, dispute, recovery or exit.

We aim to ensure that our clients' foreign investments are not a venture into unknown territory.

Structuring and Risk Management

Investment in Emerging Markets can be profitable and rewarding if done correctly. There are, however, obvious risks associated with dealing in unfamiliar territory. While every project will have its unique circumstances, the issues that must be addressed will include:

We advise our clients on how best to structure their investments to address these risks and optimise their return. Business sectors that we have advised on include oil & gas, mining, alternative energy, property development, agribusiness and construction.

Policy and Advocacy

Improving the investment landscape for foreign investors is at the core of what we do at Slaney Advisors. While we often advise on specific investment projects, this can also involve representing our clients' views in important policy debates affecting their investments, or advising sovereigns in the development of institutions, instruments and regulations in their markets, which affect foreign investors.

We have participated in initiatives on sovereign debt, and are continuing our research into GDP-linked sovereign bonds. We have also led initiatives on the African frontier markets, covering the development of debt capital markets, and more broadly, the role of private sector investors in financing African development. Relevant policy publications may be found in Press and Publications.

As a result of our work on these policy initiatives, we have developed a strong network of contacts in policy circles in London, Washington DC and throughout Africa and the Middle East.